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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  March 22, 2024 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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plus, cheddar bays for days. but lobsterfest won't last, so hurry in. (christina) with verizon business unlimited, i get 5g, truly unlimited data, and unlimited hotspot data. so, no matter what, i'm running this kitchen. (vo) make the switch. it's your business. it's your verizon. bbbzzzzzrrrrr bzssssrzzzzzrrrooo what are you doing? sound effects. why are you doing that? why aren't you? gnnnarrrgnarrrr... eye care is healthcare. you deserve america's best. ♪ ♪ >> we have some breaking news
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now on capitol hill that it is that is marjorie taylor greene who has officially filed a motion to vacate the speaker. there is a one member pushing to vacate that will seek to oust current house speaker mike johnson let's listen in as she explains her rationale. >> do not break the salmon to overrule. he had from all of us that he heard from all of us all week long allow us to introduce amendments. allow us to do our jobs. allow us to represent the district that voted for us and sent us here we want to secure border in the senate proposal of legalizing 5,000 people coming across the border every day is not securing the border. this is giving up every point of leverage we have. also, forcing republicans to vote on a full-time abortion funding in order to fund our military is a complete betrayal of all of our values and the voters do not want us to be doing that.
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>> wendy applied to call this resolution to the four? >> i don't have a timeline that will be a rolling issue that we will be judging and making decisions by. but i assure you i am not then again how support on this. i am not introducing this to throw the house into chaos, committees will continue doing their work and investigations will continue. i support my confidence and again i have paid all of my i support republicans holding the majority next conference but we need to speak of the house that knows how to negotiate and knows how to walk into the ring and knows how to hold the wand and knows how to defend america first and the values and the policies that donald trump will bring. >> does a process to find a new speaker what does the process look like? >> and allows everyone to have
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discussions and internal meetings and conversations. and it allows other people to step forward and saying they are willing to run. >> is there anyone in mind that you would like to speak see? >> not at this time i want to hear from others. >> have you talked to donald trump about this. >> you said as much support from republicans how many republicans? >> i will give you her number but i have talked to many and silently they are breathing a sigh of relief. look at the numbers. this bill was passed without a majority of republicans. this is a democratic budget and it was passed by mike johnson. >> should he have stepped down, but my captain should he have stepped down? >> that was a choice he's going to have to make but we're going to have to wait. >> we saw one candidate fall short or getting the vote is necessary how can you find someone to succeed mike johnson
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who can get the votes and keep the conference together and not plunge the chamber into chaos? >> we are going to have to do it because the country is in crisis. we have a border invasion happening every single day. people under 30 years old has lost hope for their future. the younger generations cannot afford to buy homes, and inflation is running rampant. our country is in crisis and we need real leaders who know how to fight and know how to walk into the ring and do not get rolled by the deep state, or by the democrats do not get rolled into doing whatever it takes to maintain that power and position. we need to speak of the house that actually represents the people. this is not washington, d.c., this is the people's house. >> you are calling this a warning sign but you bottom line wants biko johnson out. >> i wouldn't have filed a
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motion to vacate if we didn't need a new speaker. i have respect for him as a person but he is not doing the job -- and the proof is in the vote count today. he passed a budget that should have not been brought to the floor and it was passed with the democrats and without the majority. >> what happens if he moves on ukraine? >> it would go against what the un united states want. people do not want to support a war happening in ukraine and the motion to remove has already been filed. he should not bring funding for ukraine. >> you are saying you will cover this vote -- >> we have started the clock to start the process to elect a new speaker. and i am giving my conference time. i am being respectful to my conference but many members of
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my conference agree that even though it is uncomfortable and it's a process we do not want to go through but it has to happen. >> will you be teeming with democrats as well by outing the speaker of the house just like speaker johnson did? >> we have to find a new speaker of the house i'm not sure how that vote count will be an effort a lot of democrats may support him so i'm not sure how that works out. >> if he does that aren't you where you are pushing the new speaker into the arms of the democrats? >> he's already in the arms of the democrats. this was a democrat felt this was not a republican bill. we weren't allowed to introduce amendments or have a say we were not even given the respect of the 72 hour rule to read 1,012 pages. >> so it's better to shut the government down then? >> it would have been better back in october when he became speaker actually work on
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appropriation bills stayed with single appropriation bills and done what all of us had set out to do. >> can you bring the feedback for the votes for that? technically he's not a member i know you support hibs i'm just wondering? >> is there someone who can get 218 votes? >> i certainly hope so. >> kayleigh: you are listening to marjorie taylor greene who is filing a motion to vacate speaker mike johnson. he would need to maintain the support of his caucus to remain in power if she makes this life she has to announce this and make it live and it's been filed and these rules are wonky but essentially mike johnson can only afford to lose to republicans. that is after today. and marjorie taylor greene making news and said she sent this, i have support on this from others, so others who being number one, they have a motion to vacate if she truly has the votes. enter what effect oust speaker
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mike johnson. she has to make this live and there's a two week break coming for congress and in april of this is when this would all transpire the big news today the motion has been filed by representative marjorie taylor greene this comes after a big spending bill where more republicans voted against the bend forward. let's bring in a correspondent who would break it down all the latest with best. >> you heard live from marjorie taylor greene. the big take away is right now this is just a threat. she filed a motion to vacate but has not made it a privilege -- it is not live yet she gets to decide when she wants to do that. if it doesn't go a lot of them the house is forced to take this up in a matter of two legislative days and that will not happen until they come back from the easter break in the next two weeks. so right now, nothing is happening yet. she is obviously left the
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building. so she is not making the motion privilege just yet. i will say, she was the only one who was threatening a motion to vacate leading up to this bill. this bill votes and i asked several members of the house in the caucus including the chairman bob good about this yesterday and today and everyone was waving me off of this saying that they do not want to send the house into chaos. what she is doing as she explains here as she is giving her conference that time to look for a new leader. some of the conservatives in the house are very frustrated with how mike johnson is going about things and working with democrats in reaching across the aisle to get big spending bills like this push through the house. so, she says that she does not want to send the house into chaos and given the conference a bit of time to figure out who might be a better speaker. eli crane earlier this morning had some pretty tough words for speaker mike johnson.
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saying that the gavel is essentially in the hands of democrats. bob good the chairman of the house caucus, it sounds like no one was aware that this is going to happen this morning and he told our cameras right as it was happening that i am not -- i do not know anybody who cares about what marjorie taylor greene says. that was from bob good. so she will get a little bit of pushback from her own caucus on this but we are just waiting to see if she actually will make this privilege and then we are going right back to last fall with this conference has to look for new speaker. >> kayleigh: unbelievable. it would be unprecedented to have to else how speakers added. thank you so much. you are watching "outnumbered." and it is friday a crazy news friday we should say with my cohost emily compagno. also joining us the former state department spokesman under president obama and fox news contributor and former nfl
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player and cofounder of chris. so, marjorie taylor greene said i have not talked to president trump about this. largely president trump and speaker mike johnson have had a great relationship and speaker mike johnson put out a tweet congratulating him on securing the nomination. seems like a big voice you would want to get input from since he's the head of the party at the moment. >> we are seeing yet another tantrum by a tiny fraction of that conference that is disrupting the entire machine that we just exhaustively waited for it to get back on track. here we are again watching someone steal the time and the audio and the limelight and the attention and she says we should have our attention on the illegal streaming across the border but our attention was on you. i am sick and tired of it as a republican and an american citizen. i want them to get to work.
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who is better than him? what is the plan? i don't want them to take two days off to vote for that and figure everything out and look incompetent during a presidential election year. this is the last thing i want to be subjected with and at a minimum it is disappointing. >> there's a great irony here. as i listen to her and i hear her say that there's a video everyone is focused on and that is illegal immigrants rushing the border 6 minutes ago we were set to play and you are not seen this right now because we are talking about marjorie taylor greene and raises this question that she did not make this life so nothing happens for two weeks is this a fund-raising exercise can go back to the district a fund-raiser off of this what's the motive? >> the motive in part could be -- this reminds me of the media around marjorie taylor greene anna reminds me of a lot will happen with gates many get this to kevin mccarthy you become the most powerful person
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in washington during that period of time so that could be a part of her motive and another part of the motive might be because she doesn't like the spending bill and that's what you say when she gets hooked on conservative shows to talk about this. mike johnson is not a arm of the democratic party he is a strong conservative. what is happening with him and anybody who becomes house speaker eight is a very big challenge especially when you are dealing with a slim majority he wanted to avoid government shutdown and now look what is happening. >> we will get a talk about the border policies. but speaker mike johnson do you claim him and the democratic party? >> we do not think you for making that point but he has acted in a responsible manner of speaker and he is trying to keep the government opens with the spending bill and trying to get conservative republicans priorities into this with democrats control the hot white house and the senate so he is doing his job.
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i don't agree with all of it but he is doing his job. you know who was who is frustrated? voters. the american people. they have to go to voters and say to them let us keep control of the house of representatives. they have to make a case for what they would do with that power and all they have to talk about right now his potential government shutdown's it is not getting anything done because they keep kicking the speaker out they are a caucus and chaos and the majority is very slim and democrats oprah performed in the midterms and they only want the house few votes, and right now sitting here this is more of a chaos and that is a terrible message for the government and the american people. >> if there is a two seat majority you raise the prospect of the speaker hakeem jeffries which is not the intended outcome for marjorie taylor greene but we will see. after this break, it is shocking he would not believe this video, we will play you the full video
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♪ ♪ >> the biden administration just responding to this shocking viral video from texas, they blame republicans you guessed it. the video is the most powerful visual encapsulation of the border crisis and why critics have called this the record shattering migrant crossings and invasion. watch this. [bleep] [chaos ensuing at the border]
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[bleep] [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] >> kayleigh: it looks like a war zone perhaps a foreign country but it is not that is el paso, texas. under the biden administration. a spokesperson was telling fox that we are grateful for the creek where they got the situation under control and apprehending the migrants when the former president told them to block the bipartisan border security agreement he said to blame him for it and he got his wish after the aberrational lone star and razor wire was overrun yesterday while we cannot comment on individual cases anyone who does not have a legal basis to have a remaining
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way to stay in united states they are removed. we see over and over again people being released into the interior of the country. so let's remind viewers of this. here is a associated press headline. here you go. the white house is weighing executive action on the border with immigration power to use -- the proof in the planning is that they have the power. section 212f, this is law, whenever the president finds that the entry of any variance or class of aliens into the united states is detrimental to the interests of the united states, he made bike proclamation suspending entry of all aliens or any class of aliens. so why doesn't he? >> you're right, she does not need congress to do anything and i wonder if there are folks in the bonnet administration -- some things were ruled illegal and they had to do away with i wonder if there's any second-guessing of that now i wi
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watch this and in my heart -- i realize this is awful. i'm not gonna sugarcoat it a spin it but i do think the most durable best way to do this is with congressional action. >> marie: i wish instead of marjorie taylor greene -- after working with republican and democrat she passed the tough portobello with joe biden. >> kayleigh: i think it's great that there is acknowledgment, but i surmise that they are going to isolate progressives with her than gonna pull back and chris, but let's go to joe who was given the white house points if you will d this is what we were here up until the election. >> if i was a democrat running for office i would do this. i would be carrying this around all day. look at what the republicans are doing to you. donald trump said blame me. so yes we are blaming you. we are blaming mike johnson for
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following your orders and we are blaming the republicans who begged for a tougher border bill but let the wall street editorial page they said they could not take yes for an answer. so yes, there is an onslaught in the southern border still. and it is all donald trump's fault. you know who says that? donald trump. donald trump. he says blame him for this. so we will. >> kayleigh: should we mail him a copy of section 212f? [laughter] >> chris: i don't know but he should go talk to my colleague football coach who used to tell us that pointing your fingers and blaming everyone else and start using your phones. we need to take personal responsibility and this video is one of the most disturbing things i've ever seen at the
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southern border and it reminds me a lot of the speech ronald reagan gave in the 1960s that many have called the time for choosing where he said if we choose to do nothing then history will record what the greatest of astonishment that those who had the most to lose did the least to prevent what is happening. i do not think americans understand what is at stake for us to lose and more importantly perhaps what we can gain out of protecting the sudden border. we have security and prosperity who are directly tied to immigration to lock the border and if america is the lifeboat we have to stop the leaks but importantly on the inside the 1.8 million visas there and back law, the magnet that attracts talent to our country and hires people we need to free it up for then the ingenuity and r.i.p. can keep us globally competitive so we can invest in these critical operation to sustain our nation going for forward. >> kayleigh: you and i
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remarked that it does not look like our country. >> emily: no it does it. and thank goodness there were no significant injuries because it looks like there could've been a so many injuries to our law enforcement. biden was attempting to draw a distinction between his approach and it donald trump's approach. he said he does not demonize immigrants. but he demonizes law enforcement and told all of us he was going to abolish ice. that he was going to abolish them into days that was our president that said that. and he demonizes every american family that wants to live in safety and provide for their family first. and i just close with reminding us all that he apologize for calling a illegal immigrant a illegal immigrant instead of apologizing to the illegal immigrants that the policies allowed him to let them in murdered her.
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>> this video, and that razor wire fence and the events that led up to this happening and "the new york post" reporter was in america's newsroom, her name is jenny terah, and she said that what happen was texas officials were separating this large group of illegal immigrants about 600 into smaller groups and one of them is women and children and family and the other was this group of single adult men. they started looking around and saying i think we are about to get deported to mexico and they saw how they reacted but to their surprise and to all of ours their worst fears were not realized in only one of these people were arrested and a lot of others were let into the country and processed through title eight. so this is the image of this crisis at the southern border but the outcome of this is as well. >> and the white house continues to blame republicans for this but the problem is
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>> president by day and the democrats and the media all mocking and even rooting for the seizure of donald trump assets. biden saying the other day a defeated looking man came up to me and said mr. president i have crushing debt and i'm completely wiped out and i had to look at him and say donald trump, i am sorry i cannot help you. of course the media piled on. >> we begin tonight with some cold, hard facts. donald trump is broke and begging for money. >> last night i had one of those videos that pop up and it was asking for donald trump jr.
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to give us $5 in japan. >> wow you guys are scraping. >> he's probably going to start talking about how strong vladimir putin is. >> i am so sorry. [laughter] as it turns out you know who, says he cannot come up with the cash to cover his $400 million plus bond. in his new york fraud case. >> cell is letitia james -- the fort do you need a tissue? >> i don't know if i'm laughing or crying. >> i thought the president was supposed to be the unifier and to terminate anyone who is --
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>> chris: this is the succumb everyone watched about it and now ten years into the show it s still going and some of the actors are still there and nobody watches this anymore this is exhausting. we have so many issues pressing and this is not about the president this is about a legal presidents that it's going to shift the weight development occurs in this country. we are talking about urban areas that may not get project allocated to them because of fears of legal productivity at repercussion. the damage here is absolutely critical and no one talks about it. >> marie, part of my personal problem with this is that there is no joy in any conviction and there is no joy ever because it is always a terrible strategy when humans are getting the weight of the government against them regardless of the crime. and i thought the same media personalities are people who are saying we should not condemned
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anyone who has a criminal wrap because that is something that should be a way of the assessment of the first person who is demanding someone on the other side of the courts. >> marie: i won't sit here and make fun of it or laugh about it it's not funny. it's not just the money he has to pay but it's also related to how donald trump is facing a cash crisis and that's pretty clear. two things, a lot of the money that he's been raising politically is not going to pay his legal fees and his donors have to decide if that something they are okay with. last month a number of months and by out raising trump on the campaign trail and money does not win elections but it sure helps. this is an indication that donald trump is facing legal -- he has a number of other fellow because he has to face in court between now and november. >> another person jumped in
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who cannot even spell judgment correctly but also marked. >> he said that he claims he's a billionaire but can't pay his judgment so he is lying have i know max? he thought it unlikely defender did, and mark cuban said basic common sense to everyone said this, you are wrong on t the dah keeping cash and a bank or money markets was dumped in fact searching for the others were killed small banks last year so's fact check there. there has been a deal reach that now you will have true social debacle public on monday which is estimated to bringing donald trump three to $3.5 billion the only question is there is a six month waiting period but board can wait if the end donald trump juniors on on the board so this could all end with one stroke of a penned by a board to money that is brought in.
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>> he also posted on true social before that, that he currently has almost $500 million in cash so maybe this isn't going to happen. one thing that i do think even if letitia james does take the assets he could win politically and even they say on cnn who has no support of donald trump that if the attorney general starts using the properties you reelected in 2024 that taking his golf course is taking his home that's often a player on camera and is in a be repeated on the campaign trail and it could be the biggest example of donald trump saying that the justice system is stacked against them. not only hand but against republicans as well. >> he is right. coming up how president biden went two times person of the year to now the magazine questioning if he's able to turn his campaign around. up next.
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>> biden does not seem worried about his worries over the campaign. he might not be used as a negative coverage. when he first took office they crowned him their person of the year on times magazine. and try to make him look cool ahead of his meeting but look at the aviators. fast-forward to today and now they say that the president is stuck. a bit of a different image. the article is warning that his campaign is in trouble and question if the turnaround plan will work, if the election was held tomorrow, my den 30 posters from both parties tell time that biden would most likely lose publicly in his brain trust and confidence in the turnaround plan privately even some white house insiders admit that they are scared. that is quite a turnaround,
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>> carley: . they are saying how it was a former president who has all these legal challenges and a lot of the swing staples. it comes down to one word and that is loyalty. donald trump has the base of supporters of republicans who are extremely loyal to him. what a lot of democrats tolerate joe by name. and the truth of that is that they didn't even want biden to be the 2024 nominee. so he's behind the ball the proverbial eight ball where he comes to showing up the base and now he has to try and get the independent and a swing state voters as well he's reaching out to those and there's a lot of challenges and both candidates way but one of the big one so far right know when it comes to president biden has to do with tiktok. he needs those young voters and he is signing and i'm giving away billions of dollars given billions of dollars away for
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student loan debt. if he signs the bill into law he is going to lose the young people support in a big way. >> this h is head-to-head polling, pennsylvania and see them winning -- there is a eight-point difference in michigan that donald trump has a lead and i see this excerpt in their this was so much democratic strategists -- asking who should be hired what 20 things need to be down to one do not assume what works last time will work this time. i think they are right about this. >> marie: i agree with that. this is not a national election this is a state election. but i think that carly is right that the donald trump's face is more fired up right now but two things are true, the closer we get to the election and trump coming back into people's
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memory, there's a lot of what those four years were like and we sort of whitewash than in some ways with rose-colored glasses gets more excited. independents are so breaking and there's about 8% in the last poll, and has the contrast becomes clear that independent number, which will win an election for one of these candidates, that number -- i think i am better farm on biden's team, but they need to intensify the campaign and that strategist is right. >> kayleigh: they have to because look at what happens, he loses two points in michigan but he still wins by six points overall but when you add in ref k junior donald trump wins pennsylvania and you see he winced there by two points. they have another threat on their hand. >> chris: they have a few threats and really talk about the idea of turning around a campaign to me when i talk to my friends in the northeast where i was born and my friends in the south, where i grew up,
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different opinions politically but everyone wants the exact same thing right now. leadership. action. i would like to tell the president if you want to turn around your campaign do something and tell my 11 year old and make 8-year-old kids every day, actions speak louder than your words, but it's true. god gave you two years and one mouth may be do more action then listening, and they have some positive results for your campaign. >> emily: what body double that they use? let's put that back up so everyone knows what i'm talking about. i have to say interestingly, when you compare it talking about michigan and pennsylvania, that is fascinating because at first glance it looks similar but then you realize the numbers are explosive for donald trump and arizona. people value the economy first and he states value the same place or feel good about the
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economy but interestingly, arizona feels like donald trump is better by eight points and as you go down, when you dig into the further of each group, it is interesting to see how the border states are reacting and they're right there in arizona, biden lost significantly which is very telling. >> at that picture on the bike is something. whenever my daughter sees that she always thinks there is joe biden especially when she sees a man on the bike in the street. [laughter] >> speaking of which, he calls the times new york as an instrument of the dmc.
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♪ ♪ >> presidential candidate got into a huge exchange with a "new york times" reporter after he was asked to explain why he was running as an independent. he called out the reporter and also the paper watch this. >> "the new york times" is the instrument of the democratic
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party. you have been making institutional arguments against me since this has started. and now you are a instrument of the dmc and of course you're going to try and get people -- your job and doing what you're doing is to try and spend it somewhere that's going to help biden and heard donald trump and get rid of any threat. and that narrow guardrail contest at "the new york times" -- it approves of it and it's not right for our country and our market to go along with it. >> microphone drop. >> when you can't answer the question you would take the person asking it. because he drastically changed the outcome of this election. democrats are concerned about that so he didn't have a good
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answer and i hope he does not run. >> there is a reason why people are gravitating towards him. >> there is a sense of the country that we are so pola polarized. the majority of americans want to move forward and want to make progress but he represented this person in the middle that can draw people together but as you pointed out on break he sits on some pity extremists viewpoints as it relates to vaccines and whatnot. >> chris: but he is older, he is in better shape than anyone of us. especially us men, hazing ibut there isa drop to him and s compromise and i don't know what cannot happen but he will be disrupted if he does. >> the podcast got heated and no third party candidate has never got double-digit support especially now with him being at
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15% still gives him some level for continuing his campaign but it is also just 15%. >> kayleigh: i think the person asking these questions. they lingered on while he was running a little too long. >> carley: but it is a legitimate question. he is pulling more support from president biden than donald trump. he touches on a lot of issues that conservatives like. but it could change that he could start pulling from donald trump and republicans would not be happy with an eater. >> yes estrada just told new"new york magazine" that he a crazy person no party should view him that way and i don't think democrats do but it would be wise to listen to him. listen to what they had to say to this. >> there is a number of them if you look at rk jr. it's the name recognition issue and this is one of the biggest threats to
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joe biden being reelected. >> she is exactly right. do not dismiss and do so at your own peril >> that's why the democrats have set up this organization to go after these candidates people who are really good at this down and that their political fighting they just practice on specifically to target third-party candidates that's how worried they are they put resources and staff and money behind it. >> more "outnumbered" in just a moment. ♪ ♪ get ready for a shock. the rate on credit cards is now over 22%. if you want to save hundreds of dollars every month, pay off the balances on your high rate cards with a lower rate va home loan from newday usa. and get the financial peace of mind every veteran deserves.
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>> last but certainly not least some of our nation's bravest heroes are getting the recognition they deserve. the world war ii ghost unit were on capitol hill yesterday to receive congressional gold medals. these previously classified units were key in helping american forces achieve instrumental victories in germany and italy. they used inflatable tanks, fake radio broadcasts and even pony uniforms to full the nazis. they held critical roles on d-day and some paid the ultimate price. is estimated that 15-30000 lives were saved due to their
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incredible efforts. here they are being recognized by house speaker mike johnson. >> very proud and happy to be here to receive this honor. thank you. [applause] >> 78 years later it's incredible. >> these are artists, engineers, and soldiers that came together to accomplish this is an enormous feat. i would love to watch movie on this, i am so glad i would watch a movie about this. >> seem arnesen bomb, bernard bluestein, and bernard cressman. one is 99 years old. >> bravery and brilliance. >> the best of america and history and they were recognized in a bipartisan fashion as we are all americans, thank you for watching and now here's "america reports." >> we need a speaker of the house that knows how to
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